TELOS: 5D City (part 10)
There is going to be a very special event (symposium) on August 25 - 27, 2017, in Garden City, New York. This symposium will be the first step in a public disclosure initiative from the Inner Earth - the Kingdom of Agartha, to the people of Earth. All of humanity is welcome to attend this public symposium and learn more about this ancient civilization and their timely message to Humanity. For more information please click HERE
In Telos, no one is allowed to start a family until they have gained the maturity and readiness to initiate such an important step. There are two types of marriage in Telos society. The first type is bonded marriage. Two people who are attracted to each other romantically decide to unite in a bonded marriage union that is not necessarily permanent. They get married and live together to learn from and with each other, to grow in maturity together, to experience life and to enjoy each other to the fullest. They do this only as long as they are both deeply happy and satisfied with the relationship.
Couples engaged in a bonded marriage are not allowed to have children. These marriages can last anywhere from a few short years to several hundred years or longer. (People in Telos live long lives and the potential for large families is great accompanied by careful planning for the benefit of all). Birth control is not an issue for people in Telos. The birth of a child is considered a very precious and grand event for the incoming soul, and a child is conceived by "invitation" only. A woman in Telos would get pregnant only by intention and only after serious and well-planned preparations. Sexual unions alone do not manifest pregnancy unless the invitation to a specific soul exists.
In a bonded marriage, couples may end their relationship at any time, without hurt feelings or obligations toward each other, and then start another one if they wish. This way, no one stays in a relationship for the wrong reason. Every couple in Telos is happy because there is no reason to stay together unless there is a deep love and satisfaction to be with each other. These marriages are considered part of the many experiences that life and evolution offer. When a couple feels they have come to the completion of their time together, they thank each other for the time they have spent together on the path of life and they move on, always remaining good friends. All they need to do is apply to the Lemurian Council of Telos for dissolution of their marriage and it is granted without any dispute.
The second type of marriage is a committed or sacred marriage. It is only in this type of marriage that couples are permitted to have children and apply to bring a new soul into the community. After a couple has been involved in a bonded marriage for several decades or a few hundred years, they may decide that they have experienced each other long enough to know with absolute certainty that their love for each other is flawless and long-lasting. They may then wish to make a "lifetime" commitment to each other - extending into thousands of years. In a committed marriage there is no longer the option of dissolution of the marriage. Such couple stays together until one of them or both are ready to move on to a higher realm of evolution or service. In this case, one or both would leave Telos. This would happen only after a long life together and after the original family has matured through several generations.
In this type of marriage, one, two or sometimes three children may be born. The gestation period for the mother-to-be is only 12 weeks. Since the couple has already lived together a long time in a bonded marriage, they have accomplished whatever they wanted to experience together as a couple. They are now ready for the next step and have gained enough maturity and know-how to be anchored the privilege and honor of starting a family.
In Telos, only more mature and more evolved people have the privilege of bringing forth children, thus giving birth to noble and more advanced souls and perpetuating an enlightened civilization.