TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 13)
The Flame of Harmony as a Main Key to attain the level of consciousness to be admitted into the Ascension Celebration: Let me say this:...

TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 12)
The Seven Flames of God for Seven Days: At this time, I want to give you a short overview of the seven major Rays, or Flames. It would be...

TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 10)
Blessings to all today! I beckon you to the halls of the Great Temple of Knowledge in Telos. Contained within its walls is the library of...

TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 8)
The Heart of LEMURIA can be described and illuminated many ways. I, Celestia, will speak to you of the feminine energies of the Heart....

TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 6)
The master brings to his path all lifetimes and soul experiences. At the level of evolution on which you and the planet now find...

TELOS: Protocols of 5D (part 5)
Through this practice, the ego (mind) with its negativity will come to the surface. What is negativity but a perfect reflection of...